Interpretation of the Commonly Used Disease Terms of Mongolian Medicine
Aiming at giving a better understanding of Mongolian medicine for English reader, the author is going to translate the commonly
used disease terms of Mongolian medicine into English in this paper, and further explain that of the pathogenesis and the symptoms
in detail.
used disease terms of Mongolian medicine into English in this paper, and further explain that of the pathogenesis and the symptoms
in detail.
Translation; Mongolian medicine; Disease terms
PDF (English)参考
[1] Bai Shuo. (2015). On the English Translation of Mongolian Medicine Terms . Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and
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of China, Beijing, China.
[3] Wang Yuhua, and Se Rennamujila (2015). Overview of Mongolian Medicine. Journal of Inner Mongolia Medical University, 01,48-52.
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