Experimental study on the effect of high-precision delay of digital detonator on blasting vibration

Zhang Sheng
Huaxin Cement Company Limited


Digital electronic detonators, also known as digital detonators or industrial digital detonators, are detonators that utilize
electronic control modules to control the detonation process. Digital detonator technology research and development began in
the early 1980s, and in the mid-1980s, digital detonator products began to enter the detonation equipment market. After years
of development, digital detonator technology has gradually matured. Compared with ordinary industrial detonators, digital
detonators have outstanding advantages such as safety, high precision, traceability, etc., and their application in sandblasting
engineering is gradually expanding.


Blasting vibration; digital electronic detonator; high precision delay; image analysis method; blasting blocks


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[1] Li Hongyun. Test on the effect of high-precision delay of digital detonator on blasting vibration.2019.

[2] Zhao Haipeng. Experimental discussion on the effect of high-precision delay of digital detonator on blasting vibration.2020.


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