Problems of Moral Education Work of Junior Secondary School Class Teachers and Measures to Cope With Them

Jing Yang
Bazhong Qingshan Primary School


Currently, society is progressing at a rapid pace and the Internet industry is becoming increasingly sophisticated. The growing
network of information can make access to information richer and more convenient. However, this rapidly developing modern
industry can also bring negative effects to people, with excessive information flooding in, which can affect students' IQ, mental
quality and physical quality constantly declining. In the context of the current new curriculum reform, which is constantly advancing,
schools should fulfil the purpose of educating people with knowledge and, at the same time, promote the development of moral
education for students. Class teachers need to pay particular attention to the physical and mental growth of adolescent students,
which is a crucial period for helping students to develop a correct world view, values and outlook on life. Under the leadership of the
concept of "moral education first", junior high school class teachers need to fully understand the concept of "moral education first" in
order to improve the effectiveness of classroom management, and implement the concept of "moral education first" in the In order to
improve the effectiveness of classroom management, junior secondary class teachers need to fully understand the concept of "moral
education first" and implement it in the whole process of classroom management to meet the needs of junior secondary students'
moral development.


Junior high school classroom teacher; Classroom management; Moral education


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