The Development of Students' Map Reading Skills in Junior High School Geography Teaching

Jing Zhang
Suzhou Yifu Normal School


Maps are a necessary tool for geography learning. With the help of maps, not only can they reduce the difficulty of teaching and
deepen students' knowledge and understanding of geography, but also improve the vividness and interest of geography learning. The
ability to read maps is an important part of the comprehensive ability of geography. Describing the teaching content through maps
not only helps students to grasp the knowledge points quickly, but also exercises students' map reading ability, grasps the methods
and skills of map reading, and improves students' comprehensive geography literacy. At present, whether students have strong
map reading ability in geography has become one of the criteria for judging whether they have geography practice. Therefore, it
is worthwhile for teachers to consider how to develop students' map-reading skills and improve their core literacy in geography.
Based on this, teaching strategies for the junior high school geography classroom under the development of map-literacy skills are
discussed in the light of teaching experiences to promote students' development.


Junior high school geography; Map literacy; Strategy exploration


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