The Path of Life-oriented Teaching of Morality and Rule of Law in Primary School

Yang Li
Puyang Vocational and Technical School


Primary school students' thoughts and minds are not yet mature. When learning moral and legal knowledge, they may not
understand well and have no interest in learning. The new theme of the development and reform of education is to develop the
comprehensive quality of primary school students. At this time, the teaching reform mainly starts with the teaching methods, concepts
and contents of teachers, and carries out a comprehensive reform of curriculum teaching, so that teachers have the educational
ability to cultivate pupils'good social morality. The course of morality and rule of law in primary schools has a great influence on the
cultivation of students' moral spirit and concept of rule of law. Only by returning it to life can we help students really apply what they
have learned to the reality of life and play an important role in the course. In this regard, this paper analyzes the current situation
of life-oriented teaching of primary school morality and rule of law course, focusing on the teaching strategies of returning primary
school morality and rule of law course to life, hoping to be helpful.


Primary school morality and rule of law; Life-oriented; Path


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