A study to compare the use of real-life celebrity endorsement with digital endorsement in the sportswear industry

王 冉
河北美术学院 河北省石家庄市 050700


In recent years, sportswear industry occupies a very important positionin the entire garment market; also, it has become more and more important to economic development. Celebrity endorsement is the most commonly used by sportswear brands, especially excellent athletes. Companies take advantage of the success and prestige of athletes to arouse the customer's buying interests. However, when the celebrity is no longer successful anymore or have any scandal and bad behavior, it may bring a loss to the company. With the rapid development of technology, marketers have researched the new type to their brands all the time. Innovation is the crucial factor for a brand. Creative digital endorsement of advertising has brought new effects to the company, but so far, there are almost no sportswear brands make use of digital endorsement their advertising. This article is aimed atexploiting the effectiveness of digital endorsement in the sportswear brand advertising, compared with celebrity endorsement, whether the advantages of the digital endorsement are same as celebrity endorsement, which can influence customers’ purchase behaviour and intention; simultaneously, digital endorsement can solve the risk caused by celebrity endorsement in sportswear brands.






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