A Study of the Sense Division for Word “Jin” in NCCED Based on Corpus

翟 佳慧
广东外语外贸大学 词典学研究中心 510420


qualitative and quantitative analysis method, this paper analyzes the sense division of item for word “jin” in A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary. After analysis, some problems are found: treatment on the sense division are vague and unprecise; some overlapping phenomenon exist between senses; some senses aren’t included in the dictionary. The reasons can be counted on: under the influence of the Modern Chinese Dictionary, the bilingual dictionary lost its flexibility in sense arrangement which resulting the compilers pay more attention on the characteristics of the source language. Then, without the support of the corpus, the job of the sense division cannot achieve more precisely. This paper mainly focus on changing the traditional method of sense arrangement and do more contribution in changing the domestic situation: filling the gap between the dictionary-making and the support of linguistic corpus.





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