Cultural Factors in Visual and Linguistic Art ——Cultivating Cross-cultural Awarenessin Art College English Class

刘 丽妍
鲁迅美术学院基础教学部 辽宁省沈阳市 110003


Language, as one of the most important carriers of culture, can’t be learned as an independent knowledge and isolated from culture itself. Instead, be means of cultural analysis of the context and discourse, language learners can not only obtain the meaning of the language, but also get the good command in cross cultural communication. Besides, learner’s sensitivity in the cultural differences develops in the context of the target cultural education. Consequently, along with their comprehension of such cultural differences,the learner’s cross-cultural awareness will be greatly improved.


Words: Cross-cultural Communication, Art College, English




[1]Lawrence E. Harrison, Samuel P. Huntington: Culture Matters, 2000, xv [2]邓炎昌、刘润清. Language and Culture, (Beijing: Foreign Teaching and Study Press, 1989) [3]王颖. 英语教学中的文化教学,山东外语教学,2002(5),pp19-22 [4]Samovar L.A., Porter Richard E., Atefani Lisa A. Communication between Cultures. Beijing: Foreign Language teaching and Research Press, 2000.


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